


Artificial neural networks., User Experience., Marandu grass., MatLab., Prevision.


Through the MatLab software's tools, in this work a graphic interface was developed to estimate the marandu grass using artificial neural networks and the graphic properties provided by the software, aiming, on top of the assertiveness and efficiency of the estimate, the development of the interface in a way in which lay people (regarding the subject and coding), have access to the designed tool, valuing already studied User Experience concepts and being able, this way, to be used in teaching areas related to neural networks, broading the access to information through the man-machine interface.


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How to Cite

Bonini Neto, A. ., Lopes Criscimani, A., dos Santos Batista Bonini, C., Dias Souza , J. F. ., Lozano Oliverio, G., Correia de Mattos Baretto, V., & Andrighetto, C. (2021). ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS APPLIED TO THE MARANDU GRASS PRODUCTION ESTIMATE IN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS . Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 15(2), 318–341.



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