
  • A. J. Nardeli
  • G. H. Loretti
  • M. Presumido Junior
  • Y. S. Tadayozzi
  • J. C. Forti



swine, environmental impacts, coagulant agents, physicochemical analysis


The continuous increase in the world population is associated with a distinct need to increase food production, both of vegetable and animal origin, however, this increase results in greater generation of waste in the production chains. Awareness of swine producers to rise production and reduce harmful effects on the environment becomes necessary, since swine farming is an agricultural activity that causes great environmental impact. The objective of this work was to carry out the primary treatment of swill manure after passing through the biodigester. Among the treatments used, we can highlight that the treatment 2 containing aluminum sulphate obtained a better response in the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) when compared to the other treatments. Given the importance of these results since they reflect on productivity and, consequently, on profitability in addition to minimizing environmental impacts.


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How to Cite

Nardeli, A. J., Loretti, G. H., Presumido Junior, M., Tadayozzi, Y. S., & Forti, J. C. (2019). ADDITIONAL METHODS FOR SWINE WASTE TREATMENT. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 13(4), 339–348.



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