
  • M. De Souza
  • A. A. Ribeiro




physicochemical aspects, brackish water, clogging of emitters


The objective of this study was to review and collect data on water quality for irrigation purposes in arid and semi-arid regions. Physicochemical aspects are the main parameters for the evaluation of water quality for irrigation and the most studied are the values of soluble salts and their concentration, however other factors must be observed as a set of processes that lower the water quality for irrigation purposes. And consideration should be given to the aspects of suspended solids, pH, soluble solids, manganese, bacteria types that exist in irrigation water. The irrigant must first of all collect water from the desired source so that he can make the best decisions after receiving the water quality report he wishes to use for irrigation.


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How to Cite

De Souza, M., & Ribeiro, A. A. (2019). WATER QUALITTY FOR IRRIGATION IN ARID AND SEMIARID REGIONS. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 13(4), 355–359. https://doi.org/10.18011/bioeng2019v13n4p355-359



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