leaf area, genetic improvement, Zea maysAbstract
Knowledge of leaf architecture as well as foliar area of landraces populations is important in order to select promising materials for future crosses. The objective of this work was to determine the profile of the superprecocious, early and late cycle corn plants in their different vegetative stages taking into account the water availability and determine the leaf area. The population used in the experiment consisted of 21 accesses, seven for each cycle (superprecocious, precocious and late). Leaf length, leaf width, plant height, leaf area per vegetative stage, height of spike insertion, length and ramifications of the tassel, length of internodes, diameter of the stem were evaluated. The collected data were submitted to analysis of variance, to the degree of significance of 5% of error by the test of Tukey. The superprecocious, precocious and late cycle genotypes evaluated in years 1 and 2 present inverted irregular pentagon leaf architecture. The greatest increase in leaf area occurs from the V10 stage in landraces populations for the different cycles. The availability of water in the soil directly affects the leaf area mainly in the vegetative period and consequently components such as stalk diameter and distance of internodes.
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