Occupational Noise, workplace safety, portable machinesAbstract
The forestry sector has made great progress with the introduction of chainsaws and brushcutters in its process. Featuring a relatively low cost and ease of operation portable machines have become essential. Noise is present in the daily routine of humans; this complex of sounds can cause feelings of discomfort. The present work had as objective to analyze the noise level emitted by three models of chainsaws and two models of brushcutter. The experiment was carried out in three environments, inside a workshop, inside a test booth and in the field (work environment), being tested three different chainsaws and two burners and one to the battery, being operated in two rotations (low and high). A decibel meter was used to measure the noise emitted by these machines. Data were analyzed by agglomerative hierarchical clustering. It was observed that the power of the machine, the rotation and the environment were preponderant for the noise emitted by these machines, in addition all the chainsaws tested showed noises much superior to 85db (A), recommended by the standard, when operated in the workshop and in working environment and for the two rotations tested. Operated within the test cabin, the chainsaws were within the standards of the standard, regardless of rotation. On the other hand, the burner had values higher than 85dB (A), for the two rotations evaluated when operated in the open field, while the battery had values higher than 85dB (A) only for high rotation.
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