Waste, Pequi flour, Seed formulationv, Physicochemical analysisAbstract
The pequi tree Caryocar Coriacium Wittm is a species of socioeconomic interest and a source of raw material for culinary, medicinal and industrial purposes. The objective of this work was to elaborate and characterize, in physical-chemical terms, a dry biscuit with the addition of pequi pulp flour. In the formulation of the sequilho used different proportions of flour. Physicochemical analyzes of the flour found the following values: moisture (5.11%), acidity (1.52%), pH (4.10), carbohydrates (59.10%), lipids (23.50%), proteins (10.76%), fibers (6.10%) and ash (2.44%). The following values were found in the analysis of the sequilhos: humidity (4.99 to 9.10%), acidity (1.10 to 1.63%), pH (6.84 to 7.14), carbohydrates (65.42 to 75.72%), lipids (14.72 to 18.54%), proteins (5.37 to 9.18%), fibers (0.20 to 0.58%), ash (0.20 to 0, 43%) and total energy value (131.26 to 139.88 Kcal/100g). The results indicate the flour as an ingredient to be incorporated in the elaboration of sequilhos, which, in turn, presented peculiar nutritional and energetic characteristics.
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