Water reuse, Adsorbent, Dyeing, Industrial Waste, BentoniteAbstract
The textile industry uses large volumes of water in its processes. Thus, finding an effluent treatment, aiming at its reuse, is sought after. Dyeing with distilled water (standard), monochromatic solutions with blue and red dyes, and bichromy, in different percentages in dye until 1.0%(m/m). The effluents obtained were collected in order to carry out their treatment, carried out by adsorption with vegetable oil clarification residue from the food industry, showing high efficiency. The K/S and ΔE coloristic parameters show the possibility of its reuse, as the K/S obtained varied, up to 9.48% in relation to the standard. The maximum ΔE obtained was 0.66, with values less than 1.0 accepted in the industry. In relation to quality tests, most of them presented a value of 5, maximum grade according to the standard. This positive behavior proves that the procedure is efficient and economical since it uses few inputs and these come from industrial waste.
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