Manure, Nutrients, Residue, Water retentionAbstract
Soil is a resource of fundamental importance for agriculture, one of its functions being the balanced supply of nutrients to plants. One of the ways to make the soil sustainable is by applying organic matter, which can be of animal or vegetable origin. The objective was to evaluate the effect of adding different organic materials to the soil in relation to its fertility and moisture. Conducted an initial analysis to analyze soil fertility. Then the area was divided into plots and the treatments were applied, which consisted of 40 ton ha-1 cattle manure, 5 ton ha-1 poultry manure, 53 ton ha-1 swine manure, 30 ton ha-1 coffee straw and 0 ton ha-1 organic material (control). After 90 days, samples were taken from this soil to analyze its fertility and moisture. The treatments that best contributed to its fertility were swine and cattle manure and the treatment that retained more moisture was coffee straw.
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