Alternative control, Senna occidentalis L., Sesamum indicum L., Urochloa brizantha, WeedAbstract
Sicklepod is an important weed in Brazil pastures, but control measures are not yet effective. Thus, allelopathy can be an alternative, due to its ecological importance and for being able to provide new structures sources for agrochemicals production. This research aimed to verify the allelopathic potential of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) on germination and seedling development of sicklepod (Senna occidentalis L.) and brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha). The treatments were root and leaf extract of sesame, and control (distilled water). Germination percentage, speed of germination, hypocotyl and radicle length were evaluated. Speed of germination, germination percentage and radicle length had no interference from the aqueous extracts. However, in brachiaria these traits had lower values than sicklepod. Hypocotyl length was not influenced by the extracts, however, the leaf extract showed lower growth of this feature. Allelopathy did not affect germination and speed of germination in both species, but interfered in brachiaria development.
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