
  • R. C. A. Cruz
  • V. K. Muniz
  • P. S. B. Santos



Work accident, Poultry farming, Workplace safety


Poultry farming in Brazil has a large share in terms of participation in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), being responsible for 1.5% of the Brazilian GDP and employing more than 4.5 million people in the country, producing 12.9 million tons of chicken meat in 2019 and exporting 4,382 million tons of the total produced. However, the sector has several problems and bottlenecks as well as the entire production system, with regard to the safety of workers, this being of paramount importance for the maintenance of the sector, quality seals, exports and even reductions in the tax rates collected. by the Social Security sector. Regulatory Norm (NR) 31 is the main regulatory norm that governs secondary activities by employers, however many of them are unaware of or do not seek from their employers the right to work in safe conditions or with adequate protective equipment, exposing themselves in conditions of unhealthy work and risks that can cause occupational diseases or even accidents. In view of the above, a verification of data on occupational accidents in poultry from 2008 to 2018 was carried out and the behavior of accident numbers was analyzed, which are the most common causes of accidents both nationally and in the state of São Paulo ( with the largest share of accidents in the sector).


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How to Cite

Cruz, R. C. A., Muniz, V. K., & Santos, P. S. B. (2020). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF WORK ACCIDENTS IN POULTRY FARMING, IN BRAZIL AND IN THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO, FROM 2008 TO 2018. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 14(3), 232–241.



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