Bioclimatology, Precision Ambience, Geostatistics, Animal production, Thermal environmentAbstract
This study aims to analyze the spatial variability of the temperature and humidity index (THI) in RS at different times of day. The study was carried out for forty-two municipalities. The THI was calculated using temperature and relative humidity data (period 2000 to 2020). Once the spatial dependence was detected, the thematic map of the spatial distribution of the ITU was produced by means of ordinary kriging at 3-hour intervals (5-7; 8-10; 11-13; 14-16; 17-19; 20 -22; 23-1; 2-4 h). In the interval between 8 and 10 am and between 8 pm and 10 pm, the index is indicative of comfort throughout the territory; between 23 and 7 h there is discomfort due to cold stress (THI<60) in most of the state and, between 11 and 19 h, there may be some type of discomfort due to heat stress (THI>70) in most of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
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