treatment technology, textile industry, remediationAbstract
This study aimed to use the following treatment technology: TiO2 photocatalysis and Fenton reaction for the remediation of mixture of textile dyes. For the photocatalytic treatment it was obtained a reduction in color of 80% and Chemical Oxygen Demand of 60% using for this 600 mg L-1 of TiO2, 1500 mL min-1 recirculation flow, temperature 40 oC/45 oC and pH = 6.3 for 60 minutes of treatment. By Fenton reaction it was reached color reduction at 95% and Chemical Oxygen Demand reduction at 75% employing 60 mg L-1 H2O2, 50 mg L-1 de Fe2+ and pH = 4.0 for 62 minutes of treatment.
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