
  • Gracely O. T. PEREIRA Mestranda em Engenharia Civil, FEIS/UNESP.
  • Danilo F. PEREIRA Professor Assistente Doutor, CET/UNESP.




data mining, domestic solid waste, urban zones


The production of solid waste varies in accordance with characteristic of the population, for example, the income. This research evaluated the standard of generation of urban solid waste of the Tupã-SP town, from a description of the weight of these waste, classified for urban zone, using itself the hypothesis of that the urban zones of Tupã possess population with distinct characteristics. The data mining was used to evaluate the standard of generation of solid waste, and to verify differences between the urban zones, the test of multiple comparisons of kruskal-wallis. It was observed in the results that each urban zone possesss a different standard of generation of solid waste, with respect to amount and the day of the week. However, significant differences in the total production of urban solid residues between the residential zones had not been observed.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, G. O. T., & PEREIRA, D. F. (2010). DISTRIBUTION OF THE URBAN SOLID WASTE PRODUCTION IN THE TUPA-SP TOWN. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 4(3), 144–154. https://doi.org/10.18011/bioeng2010v4n3p144-154



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